It All Started with a Scarf
I have an addiction. I've hinted at in another post, but I'll just admit, I can't say no to Malabrigo yarn. It's soft and squishy and the colorways are amazing. This project started as a one skein scarf I knitted last summer. All the family was over for the Fourth of July, kids swimming, family visiting...I was knitting :-) Just a little scarf called "Feliz Navidad"knit from Malabrigo Rios
Feliz Navidad Scarf knit from Malabrigo Rios[/caption] My mom noticed my knitting. "That's pretty. Did you spin it?" was the innocent beginning to a conversation that ended with "Sure, I can knit you a sweater." The Malabrigo addiction must be catching, because she wanted the Arco Iris colorway. We searched Ravelry for a pattern she liked and settled on "Water and Stone" by Vera Valimaki. It's a sport weight pattern, so happily most the Malabrigo colors are repeated in all their yarn lines, and I was able to order it in Arroyo. Then I waited. And waited...because as with many hand made things, Malabrigo can take a while to be finished. But good things come to those who wait, right? Finally in late November the yarn arrived and I cast on. It's still a work in progress- Sweater knit from Malabrigo Rios Sweater knit from Malabrigo Rios
Should I rabbit trail on how much I like the addi Turbo Lace needles? I'll save that for another post. Because I also love Chiagoo and Kollage needles and this is a post about

Malabrigo. Earlier this week, this arrived in the warehouse Malabrigo Nube Persia[/caption] It's soft and stunning roving dyed by Malabrigo. This colorway- "Persia" is going with me this weekend to spindle spin. Is there a support group for Malabrigo addicts? I belong to Malabrigo Junkies on Ravelry . It's not really helping :-)