
How to Knit a Seamless I-Cord Bind-Off in the Round

Thu, Sep 24, 20

The I-Cord Bind-Off adds a lovely finishing edge to your knitted projects, especially shawls! But what about projects done in the round like cowls and ponchos? In this week's Technique Tuesday, Kelley shared how to use the Kitchener Stitch to graft both ends of the i-cord bind-off seamlessly! No one can tell where your i-cord bind-off starts and stops. 

How to Use the Kitchener Stitch for a Seamless I-Cord Join

In this example of the i-cord bind-off, the bind-off is worked by knitting two stitches, slipping one stitch, knitting the next stitch, pass the slipped stitch over, then return the three remaining stitches to the left needle and repeat until three stitches remain. Cut the yarn leaving a tail at least eight inches long. Thread a darning needle with the yarn tail, and you're ready to begin grafting the two ends of the i-cord together!

Slide the three stitches to the other end of your circular needle, the stitches on the needle are the "right-hand" side and the beginning of the i-cord bind-off is the "left-hand" side. Insert the darning needle on the first stitch of the right-hand side as if to purl and draw the yarn through. Then insert the needle behind both legs of the first stitch on the left-hand side, then knit off the the first stitch on the right hand needle. Continue the kitchener stitch in this fashion until both sides are grafted together. Tug and adjust the yarn as needed to make the grafted stitches look even, then weave in your end! 

Need help remembering the Kitchener stitch? Grab one of our Kitchener stitch key chains for your knitting bag – or watch the quick tutorial below!