Critter Challenge

The Christmas Season brought with it a snowstorm of projects to be finished, packages to be wrapped, and priorities to be re-evaluated (sigh).We hope you’ve been able to share time with family and friends and even find some restorative moments for yourself. 2016 (the Chinese year of the monkey) will usher in some fun and exciting projects here at Alpaca Direct. To kick off the New Year, the Critter Challenge is sure to delight knitters and crocheters of all skill levels! Do you have a fur child, a feathered baby, or a favorite mascot? How about a dream pony or animal guide? Pick up needles or hook and capture your love in any kind of critter at all. Use any pattern or let your imagination carry you along. Enter more than once - it’s free and you can win prizes! When you’ve completed your critter(s), snap a photo and send it to us. We’ll post it on our Facebook Critter Challenge Event Page and the voting will begin! Entries will close March 25th and voting will continue until 3/31/16. Each visitor to the site may vote once per day. People’s Choice (the entry receiving the most votes) will receive a $50 gift certificate from Alpaca Direct. Each entry will also be entered in a random drawing for another fabulous $50 gift certificate. So get started on that parlor cat, bunny rabbit, or dragon. We can’t wait to see what you create!