5 Knitting Resolutions for 2018
Do you make resolutions each year? I only make knitting resolutions, because those are the only ones I can seem to keep.
This year, I took a long, hard look at my knitting in 2017, and I think I've come up with a list of resolutions that'll work for me. I hope some of them will inspire you, too.
1. Give myself deadlines. I work best when I have a deadline, and there are a few projects out there that are lingering. My Starting Point Shawl is one of them. I ran out of one of the yarns, so I need to redo the pattern a little, and that has been stopping me.

So, by the end of the month, I'll have the pattern reworked and the project finished. This was a mystery knit-along, and it's the final clue that I'm stuck on. So close! I'll finish this up, and then set my next deadline.
2. Knit for myself. Gift knitting season is over, and it's time to knit something I love, just for me. I have a project in mind—Churchmouse's Half & Half Cowl, knit with Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran. I love this yarn so much; it's super soft and it wears really well. I made a sweater from it years ago, and I still wear it. I got a beautiful rust color for my cowl project.

- All-purpose: This will be my general knitting bag. I'll keep a tape measure, markers (regular and locking), scissors, needle gauge, pad of post-its, and darning needles. This collection will stay in my current-project knitting bag.
- Stitch holders, scissors, and crochet hooks: I have a wide, short zipper bag that I'll keep these in. I don't need to carry them with me all the time, so they'll stay in my knitting basket at home.
- Stitch markers: These need a bag of their own; maybe a gallon-size Ziplock. Why do have so many? Why can't I find them when I need them?
4. Finish my blanket squares. And then join them into a blanket! I'm S L O W L Y working on Norah Gaughan's Vintage Afghan (free pattern on Ravelry). I've decided to make it my Olympic knitting project. I have almost 8 of the 12 squares done, so that's achievable, right? Because of the deadline mentioned in Resolution 1, I'll have my Starting Point Shawl done, so I can tackle more of these beautiful squares. These are knit from Berroco Vintage Worsted, and I picked neutral colors. Here's a sampling of the squares so far.
5. Step out of my color comfort zone. I tend to knit with neutrals. My friends joke that my favorite colors are dull, drab, and dreary, and it's kind of true. I pushed myself on the rust color for my Half & Half Cowl, and I've been exploring knitting with Pantone's Color of the Year, Ultra Violet. Each year, the color company Pantone comes out with a Color of the Year, and I was hesitant about this one. Purple is not my favorite, but after looking at different yarn colors, there's a lot of beautiful options for this. Here are some that are on my list:
My interpretation of Ultra Violet brings in lots of blue and a little pink, and I think these options are gorgeous. What do you think? I would be stepping far out of my comfort zone, but I'll bet I enjoy it!
So go forth, yarnies, and conquer 2018 with your needles and hooks!